These days, our knowledge of celebrities too often originates with paparazzi images and snarky quotes by anonymous "insiders." After a while, it's easy to forget that stars are real people. That's why HuffPost Celebrity decided to launch its all-new #nofilter quick-fire question and answer series. Because how well do you know someone until they've shared their guiltiest pleasures?
Sarah Paulson's real-life nightmares may not be the stuff of her FX hit "American Horror Story," but they're no cake walk either. So is her on-screen day job influencing her nighttime terrors? Find out what really has Paulson waking up in a cold sweat.
What's your guiltiest pleasure? "The Real Housewives of New York City" and "New Jersey" and "Beverly Hills" -- you get the picture.
If you were on death row, what would your last meal be? Filet Mignon, well done fries and a pint of cookies and creme.
How did you get on death row? This is a disturbing question.
What shows are always on your DVR? "Homeland," "Game Of Thrones," see guiltiest pleasure, "Washington Week" -- I love Gwen Ifill.
If you were on a reality show, what would it be called? "The Life and Times of an Insomniac."
What's your go-to excuse? I'm too tired.
What's one thing you do when you're alone that you wouldn't do in front of someone else? Talk to myself. This happens a lot.
What's on your nightstand? A nice stack of books and most importantly my Sleep Number remote control.
Have you ever stolen anything? Yup.
How do you feel about scooped-out bagels? It's how I prefer to eat them. Not for fear of carbs but so I can pack that sucker full of cream cheese.
What would people be surprised to know you've never done? I've never been to London. And oh, I've never been stung by a bee!
If failure weren't an option, what's one thing you would do? Join the NYC Ballet.
If you could ask Kim Kardashian any question, what would it be? Can't think of a single thing I'm dying to know, soooooo ...
Who's your ideal drinking buddy, living or dead? Tennessee Williams.
If you were undead, would you be a vampire, zombie or ghost? Vampire, of course.
What happens in your recurring dream/nightmare? I have to perform onstage in minutes and I don't know any of my lines and no one can find the script. I dream this constantly.
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