Monday, 29 October 2012

Movies X9: Celebrity WATCH: Will Smith Raps Again

Movies X9
Celebrity WATCH: Will Smith Raps Again
Oct 29th 2012, 13:58

WATCH: Will Smith Raps Again
Oct 29th 2012, 12:38

If Will Smith is at your party and in a good mood, chances are he's going to burst out into song. At a May event for "Men in Black 3," Smith was even joined by his famous children, Willow and Jaden.

This weekend, Smith was apparently feeling comfy at Gabrielle Union's birthday bash. He worked through the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" theme song and "Summertime," but also dropped a freestyle over Doug E. Fresh's beatboxing. The latter bit of the performance was surprising not so much for its form as its content: Smith used both 'b---h' and the n-word, big departures for the squeaky clean crapper.

Watch Smith's freestyle above.

[h/t Vulture, The Daily What]

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